Lockton Health and Safety Guide
training / material to help enable them to identify and respond to hazardous site conditions. Associates who routinely visit client locations where personal protective equipment is required should ensure they have their own set of the relevant equipment (for which they will be reimbursed by Lockton). In the event of visiting a location where required Personal Protective Equipment is not available – Associates must refrain from entering the relevant hazardous area. Where travelling to territories where political conditions or disease exposures give rise to significant risks; these will be controlled through the iJet process and through Lockton Asscoaites following the guidance given on the FCO website. Associates should check thoroughly before organsing travel for themselves or others. HSP 14 Young Persons Young persons are defined as anyone under the age of 18. A child is anyone who has not yet reached the official minimum school leaving age. Due to their lack of experience, maturity and risk awareness – young persons and children could be at increased risk of harm from work activities. Lockton activities are predominantly low‐risk office based and therefore would not expose young persons or children to work that:
Is beyond their physical or psychological capacity Exposes them to harmful substances or radiation
Involves risk of accidents that cannot reasonably be recognized or avoided by young people due to their insufficient attention to safety or lack of experience or training. Has a risk to health from extreme cold, heat, noise or vibration.
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