Lockton Health and Safety Guide
Legionnaires Disease Water system will be assessed by a competent person which will highlight any additional precautions (or modifications) required. This may be organised by the landlord, including any periodic checks will be performed in line with the water system assessment if necessary, again these maybe by the landlord. Electricity Electricity introduces risks of shock and electrical burns, and electrical faults constitute significant fire risk. All electrical systems within Lockton occupied properties shall be properly specified, designed and installed and shall be subject to inspection. Portable appliances will be tested every 24 months (or more frequently if wear and tear is apparent). Associates must not use any of their own electrical equipment (with the exception of low voltage phone / tablet chargers) when at work and all associates are requested to inspect visually their work equipment prior to each day's use and to report any faults promptly. HSP 13 Third Party Sites and Foreign Travel Associates may be required to visit a wide variety of third party locations (in the UK and overseas) where they are exposed to hazards very different from those normally encountered in Lockton offices Lockton Associates will normally be accompanied on site visits by clients, who are responsible for defining safety requirements and ensuring Personal Protective Equipment needs are met. Even so, those Associates who are more likely to visit locations where significant inherent risks exist, will be provided with awareness Asociates must not attempt electrical repairs.
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