Lockton Health and Safety Guide
HSP 11 Contractor Control Lockton appointed contractors working on our sites or within our offices must not place themselves or Lockton Associates at risk. Associates outside of the Facilities team may not appoint contracotrs to complete building alteration or maintenance work. All such requests should be made through facilities. In the event any associate sees work being undertaken in a manner they consider unsafe please contact Lockton Faciltiies as soon as possible, with as much information as possible. If in your opinion the unsafe practice is placing the worker or any Lockton associates or other parties in immediate danger then request the work be stopped and the area made safe until Lockton Facilties have contacted the contractor and resolved the situation. You will have the full backing of Lockton for this action, even in the event that the practice turns out to be an appropriate and approved safe method of work. HSP 12 Office Facilities Whilst the level of risk Associated with Lockton offices is predominantly low, a number of aspects exist that have potential for significant harm and will be managed accordingly: Asbestos Lockton will comply with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 If you suspect any material you discover maybe asbestos or something that may contain asbestos then please move people away from the area and contact facilities.
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