Lockton Health and Safety Guide

Guide to  Health and  Safety 

December 2017 

1 Sept 2013 uncontrolled Document when printed Issue 1:  This version supersedes all earlier versions


Lockton is concerned for the Health and Safety of all associates,  clients and visitors at all times. 

This document – and a detailed Health and Safety Manual (Link here)  set down our current policy and the various procedures we require  associates to work with.   Asscociates should know of this guide, and have read it in order to  understand we have a written policy and where to find it and to  know that various aspects of Lockton are subject to Health and  Safety Procedures.  If there is any doubt as to whether the policy should apply then the  requirements and processes of the policy should be followed until  such time as written clarification is received.  Please contact facilities helpdesk with any Health and Safety Query  and do not do anything that would place you or anyone else at risk.  Where the various documents, records or recommended actions  state the masculine then the feminine shall also be taken to apply  and vice versa.  

Document History  Version 01 December 2017  Based on Dec 2017 H&S Manual


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Contents  Introduction.......................................................................................2 Health and Safety Policy................................................................. 4 Mission Statement ............................................................................4 The Company.....................................................................................4 The Board ..........................................................................................5 Organisation ......................................................................................6 Communication and Consultation.....................................................6 Co‐operation from employees ..........................................................7 Associate Health and Safety Leaflet................................................ 8 On Line Training. ............................................................................ 8 Health and Safety Procedures ‐ HSP ............................................... 8 HSP1 DSE & Computers .................................................................. 9 HSP2 Manual Handling ................................................................... 9 HSP3 Fire Marshals / Wardens ..................................................... 10 HSP4 Driving on Company Business.............................................. 11 HSP5 Noise in the Workplace ....................................................... 13 HSP6 Working at Heights.............................................................. 13 HSP7 Associate Well Being ........................................................... 14 HSP8 First Aid............................................................................... 14 HSP 09 Guide Corporate Entertainment........................................ 16 HSP 10 Expectant and New Mothers ‐ Guide ................................ 16 HSP 11  Contractor Control ........................................................ 17 HSP 12 Office Facilities ............................................................. 17 HSP 13 Third Party Sites and Foreign Travel .............................. 18 HSP 14 Young Persons .............................................................. 19 HSP 15 Lone Working ............................................................... 20


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Health and Safety Policy   The following represents the Lockton Health and Safety Policy and is  signed by Neil Nimmo. At any time if asked  for our policy then this  section is that Policy.  Mission Statement  “It is the belief of the Board of LIGS Limited that the continued health  and safety of the employees of all companies within the group is of  vital importance to the success of LIGS Limited as it is recognised that  a good health and safety record will contribute to the overall  business performance through fostering a better relationship with its  employees and reducing overall liabilities.”  “Therefore the Board regards the health and safety of its staff as of  equal importance as other aspects of the business of the LIGS  Limited and it is our intention to rank the achievement of a safe and  healthy working environment and practices at the same level as  other company objectives, e.g. optimum financial return, good  service to clients, etc. As a result, this policy has equal weight with  those for other LIGS Limited activities or intentions.”   The Company   It is recognised that accidents and ill health often result from failings  in health and safety management. The company recognises that  current legislation is the minimum standard to which all objectives  should be set and will strive to ensure that relevant Legislation,  Approved Codes of Practice and Health and Safety Executive  Guidance are met. In order to meet these requirements the company  will:‐  provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, safe  systems of work, practices and procedures for all employees,  permanent or otherwise, and will ensure that all working


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environments under its control are, so far as is reasonably  practicable, safe, adequate and free from risk to health.  provide and maintain all plant and equipment that is, so far as is  reasonably practicable, safe and adequate for the task and free from  defect likely to cause injury.  provide the information, instruction, training and supervision  necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health  and safety at work of all its employees.  provide substances that are safe and without risks to health  wherever practicable and to provide adequate controls where this is  not practical.  We will also ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health  and safety of others whilst on our premises. This will be achieved by  ensuring safe working practices and by ensuring that only competent  contractors are allowed to work in our offices.  The Board  All members of the board of LIGS Limited are committed, as  expressed in this policy, to ensure the health and safety of the  employees and others who may be affected by its activities. The  whole Board has overall responsibility to lead the Group in delivery  of health and safety risk control. The Chairman of the Board has been  nominated to champion health and safety risk management issues  and pursue the intentions of this policy.  The policy is for all accidents to be reported and investigated as  necessary with a view to preventing a recurrence and to encourage a  positive health and safety culture. provide adequate first aid and welfare facilities as required by  legislation. 


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Organisation  There is an organisation for health and safety throughout LIGS  Limited that is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this  policy are put into effect. This includes a LIGS Limited health and  safety management committee. Health and safety information will  be communicated from the Board to staff via this committee or  other mechanisms as appropriate.  Communication and Consultation  A health and safety facilitator will exist for each location and the  employees of that location throughout Lockton in the UK. Through  this facilitator/representative or their normal line management staff  can raise health and safety issues to the LIGS Limited health and  safety management committee, who will take matters of policy,  where appropriate, to the Board.  The health and safety management meeting will draft an annual  health and safety plan that will establish health and safety  performance targets to be met for the forthcoming year. This will be  reviewed and approved by the Board. The health and safety  management meeting will provide a report on the plan annually and  the Board will issue a statement on health and safety as part of the  LIGS Limited report in the UK.  LIGS Limited are committed to continuous development and to this  end the Board will ask the health and safety management meeting to  advise them on health and safety performance within the LIGS  Limited and to provide specialist advice on any alterations required  to the policy or current practices due to changes in law or best  practice. This policy will be reviewed when circumstances show that  a revision is necessary and in any case annually.


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Co‐operation from employees  LIGS Limited expects all employees, permanent or otherwise, to co‐ operate with them to enable this policy to be applied and their own  duties and obligations under health and safety to be fulfilled.  Employees are required to attend relevant health and safety training  courses. Every employee has a role to play by contributing ideas and  suggestions so that health and safety, systems, procedures and  compliance can be continuously improved. 

This policy will be brought to the attention of all employees and  contractors working for LIGS Limited. 


Neil Nimmo 

Chief Executive Oficer 


Date                                               ………………………………………


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Associate Health and Safety Leaflet  The law requires that the following information be made available to  all our associates. Health and Safety Posters have been phased out  by Lockton and the law provides for this, by allowing employers to  make Health and Safety information available through an electronic  leaflet.  For Associates in England, Wales and Scotland:   The leaflet is here: HSE Leaflet, England, Scotland and Wales. For Associates in Northern Ireland:   The leaflet is here: Northern Ireland Leaflet  Northern Ireland Leaflet (Link can be temperamental) For Associates in Eire   There is no corresponding leaflet, there is however a note on  employees duties and it is here along with opther topics: Eire Link Note, the policy statement above and the HSP procedures also  applies to you and meet the requirements of Section 20 of the Irish  Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.  On Line Training.  Throughout this guide you will see reference to On‐Line learning and  assessment. This is provided via our third‐party partner, Cardinus.  Their training and assessment software is in use by millions of people  throughout thousands of organsiations in the UK. Any questions on  any aspect of this guide or the main H&S manual contact facilities.  Health and Safety Procedures ‐ HSP  We use a number of HSP to state our policy and procedure for a  whole variety of tasks and elements of Health and Safety.


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HSP1 DSE & Computers  In its simplest terms DSE is the computer, screen/s and associated  keyboard, mouse and the desk and chair and environment of the  work station at which the computer is used.   All associates are required to undertake on‐line DSE training and  complete an on‐line DSE assessment. They will be emailed the links  to complete this training. It explain what the issues are and how to  address them.  

Full details of the policy and procedure are in the H&S manual. 

If you believe you have not yet completed the DSE training and  assessment then you should contact the facilities helpdesk. 

Once you have completed your assessment there may be a list of self  help redial actions you need to take to reduce your DSE risk profile.  You should undertake these actions and update your assessment.  HSP2 Manual Handling  The incorrect movement of any work related item by an associate  can result in injury, so we have in place this procedure.  The primary rule is straight forward: Associates should not move  furniture to rearrange rooms or offices. Any other items which are  large, bulky, heavy or involve items being moved in awkward  conditions or areas of limited access should be subject to a specific  individual risk assessment before being moved.  Certain roles are identified as requiring full online training to enable  associates in those roles to understand how to appropriately deal  with particular items, including seeking the use of additional  associates or third party specialist moving companies to assist, or use  of specific equipment to assist in moving and handling the item.


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If your job role includes the requirement for this training you will be  advised and must undertake the training.  HSP3 Fire Marshals / Wardens  To assist associates in case of a fire alert in our workplace we have  named volunteer fire wardens.   Identification of a Fire Marshal/Warden  All persons undertaking the role of a Fire Marshal shall, for the  duration of the time they are fulfilling the role, identify themselves  by wearing a distinctive arm band or tabard with the words Fire  Marshal/warden clearly printed on them. If an emergency situation  arises the Fire Marshal must wear the provided arm band or tabard. 

 or     Associates must follow the instruction of a Fire Marshal/Warden  If anyone does not follow the directions of the Fire Marshal, in the  event they are members of staff of Lockton, they may be subject to  formal disciplinary procedures.   Fire Marshal/Warden Training  This will consist of an internally provided on‐line training course. All  Fire warden will be sent a link to the program and are required to  complete the online training and the test at the end of it.  The system is run by an administrator who will review the training  and request retraining every 48 months.


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Location Specific Information  Each Location shall have specific Fire Evacuation Procedures for that  building and associates should familiarize themselves with. The  information published on fire notices and as contained in the fire risk  assessment for that location. If you have any doubt as to the fire exit  route and assembly point please contact facilities.  HSP4 Driving on Company Business  All associates who drive on company business are required to  undertake the online training and risk assessment and follow up on  the action plans personal to them, as described in the detailed  procedure in the H&S manual.  Lockton also undertakes random driving licence checks for low and  average mileage drivers and for all higher mileage drivers.  Prerequisites of Driving on Business    If in any doubt the associate should not drive and should seek  alternative transport arrangements to complete the journey.  All associates d r iving whilst on business must comply with this  procedure:  Including   Hold a valid UK or International driving license that entitles  then to drive the vehicle on UK or Irish roads.    Check the vehicle    Drive in accordance with the Highway Code and comply with all  applicable laws.   Not consume alcohol during the journey or commence the  journey in a condition where the residual alcohol from previous  drinks may exceed the limits set in law or if the individual feels


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that their driving may be impaired in any way by previous  alcoholic drinks.   Not take any drugs, prescription or otherwise, which may  impair the ability to drive during any period of the journey    So far as is reasonably practicable Lockton recommends not to  use the mobile phone at all when driving on company business.  If a phone must be used whilst driving then it can only be used  with the appropriate hands free kit in accordance with the  manufacturers and installers instructions and still remaining  used in compliance with the Highway Code. Any calls made or  received on mobile phones not using a hands free kit must be  completed with the vehicle stationary and properly parked.   Drive in a manner to mitigate the effect of fatigue on the  individual   Whilst using their car on company business it is required that  all associates have their own car insurance and maintain it for  the whole of the period of the journey. Whilst the choice  between fully comprehensive and various types of “third party  only” policies remains with the driver it is required that the  policy is endorsed with cover for business use by the associate.   The commencement of the journey and/or the subsequent  submission of a claim for expenses shall constitute, by its  submission, acknowledgement of this requirement and  compliance with this condition.  Eyesight  The highway code requires that all drivers have vision that meets  certain requirements, If you suspect that your vision is not able to  meet the requirement then Lockton will pay for your eye test, but  not any glasses  Motoring offences, speeding, parking fines, fixed penalty notices  The driver of the vehicle is liable for these charges and costs at all  times. They will not be reimbursed.


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Hiring a Vehicle for use on Company Business  Please see the main Health and Safety Manual – you cannot hire a  car without following the procedure set down there.  Smoking whilst Driving  Whilst driving on company related business journeys Lockton  encourages all associates not to smoke whilst driving. If you are  carrying a passenger who is an associate, or a guest/client you should  not smoke.  HSP5 Noise in the Workplace  We have a legal duty to protect our associates and others from the  harmful effects of unwanted noise in the workplace. The Lockton  office workplace is assessed as a low risk, low noise environment.  Should any noise issues arise please contact facilities.  HSP6 Working at Heights  This means working where a fall from one level to another can occur  resulting in personal injury. In the low risk office environment for  Lockton this means the use of elephant foot stools and small step  ladders two to four rungs used to gain access to shelving. Any other  work requiring the use of five rung or more stepladders, mobile  scaffolding and any work around unprotected opening or on a roof is  not permitted without a review of that work and compliance with  the detailed procedure in the H&S manual.  Step ladders   Are acceptable only for access or work of very short duration. They  should    Be spread open to their full extent, and    Do not work on the top platform    Do not use the top tread, tool shelf or rear part of the steps as  a foot support


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 Only one person should use the ladder at any one time    The ladder must be appropriate and of an appropriate grade  for the intended use    They must only be used where they can be safety located out  of the way of doors and gangways and be capable of being  quickly removed from exit routes.    They must be set on a level floor and not within 4m of any open  drop, whether cordoned off or not.    They must be removed back to store on completion of the task   Stools    Should not be cracked or damaged,    have a sound surface with grip fast tape or other similar non  slip finish    rest properly square on the floor when stood on with body  weight, and lock in place   No Lockton ladder or steps or kick‐stools should be lent to any third  party and you should not borrow equipment from others.  HSP7 Associate Well Being  This is a hugely important part of the Lockton workplace and all  aspects of the employee wellbeing program, work place support  program and other pastoral support is now available via HR and  further information is in the Associate Handbook. 

For further information   Julie.Coates@uk.lockton.com Alternatively contact her on Tel: 020 7933 2794  HSP8 First Aid 

Lockton will ensure First Aiders are available and trained and that  first aid facilities and equipment are available.


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Information about who is a first aider will be published in each office  and on the intranet.  Associates are expect to familiarise themselves with who is a first  aider in their office or in their part of the office in larger locations  Associates are expected to follow the instructions of first aiders  First aiders are volunteers.  All first aid incidents must be recorded and reported to facilities.  Training  Lockton trains associates who are first aiders to the EFAW or FAW  standard, using St Johns Ambulance trainers in England and Northern  Ireland, St Andrews First Aid in Scotland and Irish Red Cross in  Ireland.  Identification of a First Aider  All persons undertaking the role of a First Aider shall, for the  duration of the time they are fulfilling the role, identify themselves  by wearing a distinctive arm band with the words First Aider clearly  printed on them. 

If an emergency  situation arises the First  Aider must wear the  provided arm band. 

If a first aider is also a fire warden then they should wear the Fire  Warden Tabard and the First Aider Arm Band.  Associates must follow the instructions of a First Aider  If any Lockton associate does not follow the directions of the First  Aider, in the event they are members of staff of Lockton, they may  be subject to formal disciplinary procedures.


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HSP 09 Guide Corporate Entertainment  This is hosting or organizing an event – on site or offsite 

There is a detailed guide for this in the main Health and Safety  Manual. The aim of this guidance procedure is to assist Lockton  associates to attend, plan or directly organise the health, safety and  welfare of all people attending a corporate event. Do not run an  event without reference to the guide.  Attending as a guest  Very simple and straight forward, if you are attending an event as a  guest then please ensure that you are familiar with the health and  safety regulations and requirements of the event and follow the  instructions that you are given and enjoy the day.  If you do have any concerns during the event then please raise them  with your host and seek information and guidance at that time.  HSP 10 Expectant and New Mothers ‐ Guide  Lockton is proud to recognise our duties as a responsible employer  to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the health  and welfare of both mother and baby during the period before birth  and in the period when returning to work.  The Associate Handbook, issued by HR, sets out how Lockton  manages the ante natal and post natal leave and benefits. A link to  the guide is here. [Click for Associate Guide] This document  therefore does not repeat this content.  The guide in the Health and Safety Manual is to enable both the  associate and manager to take steps to ensure the work place risk  assessment is reviewed for expectant and new mothers.


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HSP 11  Contractor Control  Lockton appointed contractors working on our sites or within our  offices must not place themselves or Lockton Associates at risk.    Associates outside of the Facilities team may not appoint contracotrs  to complete building alteration or maintenance work. All such  requests should be made through facilities.  In the event any associate sees work being undertaken in a manner  they consider unsafe please contact Lockton Faciltiies as soon as  possible, with as much information as possible.  If in your opinion the unsafe practice is placing the worker or any  Lockton associates or other parties in immediate danger then  request the work be stopped and the area made safe until Lockton  Facilties have contacted the contractor and resolved the situation.  You will have the full backing of Lockton for this action, even in the  event that the practice turns out to be an appropriate and approved  safe method of work.   HSP 12 Office Facilities  Whilst the level of risk Associated with Lockton offices is  predominantly low, a number of aspects exist that have potential for  significant harm and will be managed accordingly:  Asbestos  Lockton will comply with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006   If you suspect any material you discover maybe asbestos or  something that may contain asbestos then please move people away  from the area and contact facilities.


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Legionnaires Disease  Water system will be assessed by a competent person which will  highlight any additional precautions (or modifications) required.  This  may be organised by the landlord, including any periodic checks will  be performed in line with the water system assessment if necessary,  again these maybe by the landlord.  Electricity  Electricity introduces risks of shock and electrical burns, and  electrical faults constitute significant fire risk.  All electrical systems  within Lockton occupied properties shall be properly specified,  designed and installed and shall be subject to inspection.   Portable appliances will be tested every 24 months (or more  frequently if wear and tear is apparent).    Associates must not use any of their own electrical equipment (with  the exception of low voltage phone / tablet chargers) when at work  and all associates are requested to inspect visually their work  equipment prior to each day's use and to report any faults promptly.    HSP 13 Third Party Sites and Foreign Travel  Associates may be required to visit a wide variety of third party  locations (in the UK and overseas) where they are exposed to  hazards very different from those normally encountered in Lockton  offices  Lockton Associates will normally be accompanied on site visits by  clients, who are responsible for defining safety requirements and  ensuring Personal Protective Equipment needs are met.  Even so,  those Associates who are more likely to visit locations where  significant inherent risks exist, will be provided with awareness Asociates must not attempt electrical repairs. 


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training / material to help enable them to identify and respond to  hazardous site conditions.  Associates who routinely visit client locations where personal  protective equipment is required should ensure they have their own  set of the relevant equipment (for which they will be reimbursed by  Lockton).  In the event of visiting a location where required Personal  Protective Equipment is not available – Associates must refrain from  entering the relevant hazardous area.  Where travelling to territories where political conditions or disease  exposures give rise to significant risks; these will be controlled  through the iJet process and through Lockton Asscoaites following  the guidance given on the FCO website.  Associates should check thoroughly before organsing travel for  themselves or others.  HSP 14 Young Persons  Young persons are defined as anyone under the age of 18.  A child is  anyone who has not yet reached the official minimum school leaving  age.  Due to their lack of experience, maturity and risk awareness – young  persons and children could be at increased risk of harm from work  activities.    Lockton activities are predominantly low‐risk office based and  therefore would not expose young persons or children to work that: 

 Is beyond their physical or psychological capacity   Exposes them to harmful substances or radiation 

 Involves risk of accidents that cannot reasonably be recognized  or avoided by young people due to their insufficient attention  to safety or lack of experience or training.   Has a risk to health from extreme cold, heat, noise or vibration.


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 Consequently the health and safety arrangements set out  within this document and specific office risk assessments  effectively mitigate any risks to which young persons are  exposed.    In the event of children being present in a Lockton office and where  they are not directly supervised by their guardian (e.g. parent or  teacher) then a specific risk assessment needs to be carried out.    Also; in the event of a young person or child undertaking an activity  that is outside the scope of normal office operations then specific  risk assessments may be required.  Examples of where this might be  appropriate include visits to industrial premises / construction sites  or participation in charitable events.  If attending through work experience or other training it is likely  there will be a Risk Assessment form to complete for the  edecatiuonal institute looking after the young person. These should  be completed and a copy retained for file.  If no assessment form is provided by the young persons sponsor then  contact faciltieis for a form to use.  HSP 15 Lone Working  There may be circumstances when an Associate is present in an  office alone (e.g. early in the morning or in the evening).  The nature  of the office based activities undertaken mean that this will not  normally create significantly elevated risks to the associate.    However, should any of the following circumstances apply – lone  working is not permitted:  Associates are not permitted to work alone if they suffer a significant  health concern where the need for medical intervention is  considered likely (based on disclosed health information or previous  incidents).


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Associates are not permitted to work alone if they require assistance  to evacuate the premises in an emergency.  Lockton offices are located in well‐lit commercial areas that tend to  be populated into the evening.  However, where an associate may  work alone beyond 20.00; or if parking arrangements / public  transport routes place them at elevated risk of violence then lone  working should either be prohibited or taxis used (costs to be  reimbursed by Lockton provided authorised by manager).


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