Lockton Health and Safety Guide
Lockton is concerned for the Health and Safety of all associates, clients and visitors at all times.
This document – and a detailed Health and Safety Manual (Link here) set down our current policy and the various procedures we require associates to work with. Asscociates should know of this guide, and have read it in order to understand we have a written policy and where to find it and to know that various aspects of Lockton are subject to Health and Safety Procedures. If there is any doubt as to whether the policy should apply then the requirements and processes of the policy should be followed until such time as written clarification is received. Please contact facilities helpdesk with any Health and Safety Query and do not do anything that would place you or anyone else at risk. Where the various documents, records or recommended actions state the masculine then the feminine shall also be taken to apply and vice versa.
Document History Version 01 December 2017 Based on Dec 2017 H&S Manual
V1 01/12/2017 Uncontrolled Document when printed
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