Test Publication 2022 - Not for distribution

Team leaders and business units will need to pull together before 16 th May a draft plan that allows for 50% of their teams to be working from home and allow alternate desks to be left empty. This could include agreement with associates to remain working from home on a longer temporary basis if that is appropriate. It is also expected that flexible working patterns may include associates coming into the office at weekends if required, at their choice, to avoid travel in peak rush hour r to get a period uninterrupted by home distractions to complete required work. All offices will require an individual office risk assessment to take into account how we will be occupying and the landlords restrictions and controls. Travel To assist all associates in obtaining face masks for initial travel Lockton will be sending a face mask to every associate if they require it, or if the government mandates it, with the arrival expected by post before the return to work. We have a supply which was offered to the NHS, they advised thank you but they did not require them. Public information about travel on trains, buses and the underground, through London and elsewhere, is expected and we believe that associates can, by phasing their travel times to assist in the morning and evening peaks being spread out, travel a safely as possible to and from work. Arrival in the office and Hygiene Reassurance Whilst the offices will have been cleaned and will be additionally cleaned, individual control of person hygien whilst in the office is a paramount concern. To support this it is intended to have available on each associates desk a “return to work hygiene pack” this is likely to consist of further face masks, nitrite gloves, sanitiser and wipes.

These are ordered and we are resolvingthe logistics for delivery and distribution, week commencing 25 th May.


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