Test Publication 2022 - Not for distribution


Office location:

All UK offices


Version 2.0 Draft

Version Date:

May 7th 2020


Purpose and Scope

This plan is for the use of all Lockton associates and managers and details the steps being taken prior to associates returning to occupation of any Lockton office and the initial method of operation that is expected to be employed during the first phase of reoccupation. At all times the health and safety and welfare of Lockton associates, their families and clients remains uppermost throughout the plan. At any point in the plan associate may request to their manager that it be adapted to suite their personal circumstances, and managers may make requests of associates, the key being controlled professional flexibility. In preparation of this plan a number of assumptions have been made, if outside circumstances alter these assumptions then this plan will need review.

Key Assumptions: Return to Work Date: Public Transport Status:

1 st June 2020

Open and available, maybe limited services Some form of Face Mask required Remains at 2m, in workplace as far as practical.

PPE requirement for people in public:

Social Distancing: Working Day:

Staggered Work Times

Primary Aim of the Plan To advise all associate of the plan prior to commencing any return to working in the office and to assist all associates who are coming into the office to do so in a controlled manner. Keeping them informed as to the appropriate precautions to take when travelling, to arrive at the office at a planned time, able to undertake their work in an appropriate environment and to be able to use all the services they need and return home safely. Associate Support and preparation to return. It is expected that all associates will be naturally cautious about returning to work in the office. This is completely understandable and normal and we want to do everything we can to address concerns that associates may have, both about travel to and from the office and working in the office.


Key Summary

 Your welfare is our priority  We will send you face masks to assist with travel if manadated, or available to send out if optional.  We will have a welcome welfare pack on your desk once you return  We will have cleaned the offices before your return  We will continue additional cleaning whilst the current situation continues  Social distancing and staggered working will mean not all associates can be on site at any one time  Office spaces will have key areas marked to assist in keeping associates apart in waiting and service areas  External visitors meetings are not expected to take place.  Flexibility for start and finish times in the office will be encouraged to enable peak period travel to be minimised. This may include weekend working in offices  Associates with particular health concerns will be accommodated in the return to work programme  Use of remote location meeting facilities for Business Unit teams to get together, when open and social distancing rules permit Social Distancing and Returning to work It is expected that the UK Government, including the devolved assemblies, will likely permit return to work to commence wi h some restrictions on social distancing continuing to apply. The restriction may include voluntary or mandatory use of face masks whilst travelling to and from the office. Social Distancing will limit numbers on site. Given the likely need to remain 2m apart as far as possible within the workplace we will likely have to put in place some split working arrangements, with individuals or teams working alternately in the office or at home, and potentially some remaining working from home. Where teams return to site that only a percentage of the teams can return at the same time, to avoid breaching the limits likely to be imposed.


Team leaders and business units will need to pull together before 16 th May a draft plan that allows for 50% of their teams to be working from home and allow alternate desks to be left empty. This could include agreement with associates to remain working from home on a longer temporary basis if that is appropriate. It is also expected that flexible working patterns may include associates coming into the office at weekends if required, at their choice, to avoid travel in peak rush hour r to get a period uninterrupted by home distractions to complete required work. All offices will require an individual office risk assessment to take into account how we will be occupying and the landlords restrictions and controls. Travel To assist all associates in obtaining face masks for initial travel Lockton will be sending a face mask to every associate if they require it, or if the government mandates it, with the arrival expected by post before the return to work. We have a supply which was offered to the NHS, they advised thank you but they did not require them. Public information about travel on trains, buses and the underground, through London and elsewhere, is expected and we believe that associates can, by phasing their travel times to assist in the morning and evening peaks being spread out, travel a safely as possible to and from work. Arrival in the office and Hygiene Reassurance Whilst the offices will have been cleaned and will be additionally cleaned, individual control of person hygien whilst in the office is a paramount concern. To support this it is intended to have available on each associates desk a “return to work hygiene pack” this is likely to consist of further face masks, nitrite gloves, sanitiser and wipes.

These are ordered and we are resolvingthe logistics for delivery and distribution, week commencing 25 th May.


Preparation of the office for Reoccupation.

The offices will have likely been empty, save as for collection of post, since March. Landlords and their agents and management staff may have been on site at some locations and others may have had minimal site presence during this period. The plan looks at the office space and then the common parts. The following are to be organised/undertaken prior to returning to work. Lockton Areas of the Office Cleaning: All offices will be given a further clean prior to reoccupation. The target being before May 18 th , this gives us an ability to return sooner, should the government decide this is permissible. Although the virus is believed to persist on surfaces for no more than 72 hours, an additional precautionary clean will be instructed for all offices. A particular focus will be all surfaces and equipment normally touched and handled during the working day, including copiers, cutlery drawers, door handles, etc. Instruction will also be given to cleaners to provide additional cleaning of these areas each day once back in use. Toilets: The majority of the toilets are controlled via our landlords, however where they are under Lockton control then the cleaners will be requested to make specific additional provision for cleaning for the toilet areas. Additional hand sanitiser within these areas. General Hygiene: In order to prepare the offices for use additional surface wipes will be made available to supplement the hand sanitiser already distributed. Consideration was being given to placing a number around the office. Review suggests placing a pack on each desk allows the greatest degree of flexibility. The desk user, particularly if hot desk arrangements are adopted, can have control of the wiping of their phone and keybord. Others will be placed in strategic areas around office and close to copiers and the like, where associate may be touching number pads, call pads, etc. The hand sanitiser bottles will remain in use and we have stock of these in London that can be distributed. Whilst meeting rooms will be cleaned, it is not expected that external attendee meetings will be held in the initial phase of returning to work. For the same reason internal meetings will initially also be expected to be limited.


Cleaners PPE – Protection of Associates and Cleaners The cleaners will be instructed to wear both face masks and gloves whilst carrying out the cleaning, both to reduce the risk of them being the source of any infection and to protect them from any possible infection whilst cleaning. PPE - Other Contractors required to attend the office. Any day time attending contractors, whether Lockton instructed or Landlord contractors, will be required to wear face masks and nitrite glove (or equivalent) during the period on site. Again this is to protect the contractor and the Lockton associates. This maybe service engineers for mechanical or electrical or fire system or lighting etc. Visitor Management and Control. It is not expected that in the initial stages of returning to work that external visitors and meetings will be held. However, it is possible that social separation will likely be required to continue for some time after commencing reoccupation and this may overlap with the need to It is appropriate, to protect reception associates, that transparent screens are put in place to prevent immediate face to face contact between reception associates and visitors. This is most relevant in London, but if visitors are expected in other offices then consideration to additional screens in other places should be given. The alternative of reception staf having face masks all day is neither practical or acceptable. They also are answering the phone and using the phone through face masks is not ideal. Visitor Duration in Reception (once meetings are permitted) It is not expected that external meetings will commence within the first month at least of any return to work. Once visitors are planned then the time management becomes critical, visitors should not be expected to wait in reception and so must be requested to arrive not more than five minutes before the meeting and associates collect the person on time and progress through to the meeting room. The visitor PC use The visitor PC use will be suspended until the end of social distancing. Visitor Coats and Bags. The visitor will be expected to take with them in the meeting room all coats and bags that they arrive with to avoid associates handling items which the visitor will also have been in contact with. be able to deal with visitors. Reception Area Changes: Screens


Social Distancing in the workplace. All associates will be naturally cautious about returning to work. Social distancing in the workplace will be encouraged and so a number of “normal” office matters need consideration. Lockton will evolve this element of the plan as government guidance and instructions are issued Reception 2m marking on the floor to indicate spacing whilst waiting. Meeting Rooms A notional use plan will be prepared for each meeting room looking at how the rooms may be used and maintain acceptable social distancing. It may be that some rooms cannot effectively be used. Initially it is possible meetings of any type will be restricted, if at all. Catering into Meetings On immediate return to the office we are not going to cater into meetings, this will be reviewed The central breakout area coffee machine will be kept in operation, there will be 2m spacing marked on the floor. Either a cloth and suitable spay or wipes will be provided next to the machine to enable associates to wipe down the touch screen before use. Tea and instant coffee – For all breakout kitchen areas a limit of one person in the area at a time will be imposed, whether making a drink, using the fridge or microwave. Again wipes will be provide so associates can wipe down as they feel appropriate. Other Breakout Kitchens For all breakout kitchen areas a limit of one person in the area at a time will be imposed, whether making a drink, using the fridge or microwave. Again wipes will be provide so associates can wipe down as they feel appropriate. Printing Printing area will be restricted to one person in the “print pod” at a time. Open plan printers will be marked to indicate a 2m zone. Some printers maybe relocated to provide suitable space and allow associates to move around the printer. Others may be taken out of use. Casual meetings The breakout space tables and chairs, the meeting booths and open area round tables will not be removed. However, it is not possible to sit and meet with someone at these. For the current return to work these must be used by single individuals only. during the first month. Refreshment Facilities Central Breakout Area.


Walkway Routes and Waiting areas In order to encourage appropriate movement around the office and maximise the amount of desking that can be used and maintain social distancing, key walkway routes maybe marked on the floor and associates requested to respect these routes when moving around the office. Additional marking will also be used at key points to remind and indicate social distancing recommendations, in line with UK Government avice. Technology Preparation for Return Associate will need to check their own PC /Laptop/ Wyse terminal and screens when they return to the office and switch them on. All printers and the like will have been returned to use prior to return to the office and the network and wifi will be operational. Technology Equipment: With the exception of laptops and phones please do not bring any Lockton issued technology equipment back into the office on the immediate return to work. We expect the return to involve a mix of both home and office working. Associates who had Laptops prior to working from home Please bring them back into the office and take home with you each day, as per the way you were working before the lock down. This includes surfacePro/ipads etc. and any associated docking stations and power packs needed for the equipment to work all day in the office. Existing associates who have bought laptops or had them provided by any route except by the technology department direct. We would recommend that you do not do not bring these into the office at this time, they cannot be plugged into the Lockton Network or configured for use on the network. If you do bring them in as you want to retain the video conference camera etc for webex/Zoom/teams meeting and your existing desktop/wyse does not offer that capacity, they can only be used to connect via the office guest wifi and you will need to bring your power pack with you and take it back home each day. New Starter associates who have joined Lockton since the lockdown working from home. If we have provided to you a laptop as part of you joining Lockton during the lockdown period then please do bring these into the office and contact the technology team – via phone or email. They will configure the laptop to work on our network. Don’t forget power packs etc.


If during the commencement of lockdown you took home any docking stations, keyboards etc If during the commencing of the lockdown you took any IT equipment home please understand that if you don’t bring it back then they will not be available to you in the office. As we will likely be alternating between home and office in the initial period you need to decide where it would be best to have the equipment. For the first few days at least we would suggest the equipment remain at home unless what you have taken renders your desktop unusable. Heldesk The support desk will be online as usual to assist with any help needed during this period. Travel – Short or long distance in the UK During the immediate return to work period we would ask associate do not plan to travel for business unless agreed with their managers first. We do not have a clear indication yet of the government restrictions on travel, nor will we have an understanding of the health and safety and welfare programme being run at any location you may be seeking to visit. As noted earlier all travel will need to be conducted in a manner to comply with any restrictions Once it does commence then we will be asking that you do not travel internationally without reference to compliance and your manager for prior approval before booking any travel. Even if the airline is flying, and the travel out and back to the UK is permitted by the UK Government and the host country government, there may still be restrictions which render our travel insurance programme and associate welfare programme compromised. Sickness – Suspected Virus Infection or symptoms If you or anyone you have been in contact with is identified as being ill with covid-19, and or you are advised due to any UK Government contact app/scheme that you have been in contact with someone then please do not come into the office and follow the guide on self-isolation. This may change as advice is issued by the UK Government or others, go home and remain in self isolation for 7 days and if symptoms occur follow the then current advice on testing and or seeking further medical assistance. Do not come into the office. imposed by the UK Government. More information will be issued. International Travel This is not permitted at this time.


Health checks We believe it is probable that as part of a risk based assessment process for returning to work that all associates coming on site should be temperature checked as part of trying to prevent continued spread of the virus. We have taken delivery of contactless thermometers and all associates will be asked to undergo a check before coming on site, any abnormal results will require that the associate return home. The same will apply for visitors or contractors, where permitted to come to site. Landlord imposed restriction and controls to our buildings Our landlords and their agents may impose additional restrictions or requirements on use of the buildings and movement around the buildings we occupy. If they do we will publish this information to you as it is released to us and we ask that you comply with the landlord’s requirements. Shower areas and changing rooms are likely to be a point of focus for landlords and given the potential for associates to seek to travel by any means other than public transport, we expect pressure on these areas and on cycle to work options. Unless you already have cycle parking agreed at your office then please don’t cycle in without This document is written without having site of the UK Government plans for return to work for England, or the Scottish, Northern Ireland or Irish Government proposals specific for each area. This plan will need to be revised and updated as the information is made available. Site Specific Information We have a questionnaire out with our landlords at present and are gathering their information about how they intend to operate the buildings and will publish this for associates on a building by building basis. Examples of the engagement we have had back for London are:  One way movement of people through the receptions, one route in and up, the escalators set to support one site up, one site down.  staircases available to enable people to walk up to floors, one staircase dedicated Up, one down.  Lifts marked with much reduced limited capacity and standing zone  Additional cleaning carried out to all areas, particularly touch zones. We have some Landlords who have issued intent to publish, others have published draft information and every effort is being made to coordinate on this. seeking confirmation there is somewhere to leave you cycle safely. Please do not expect the shower facilities to be open at this time.


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