Lockton Environment Report 2023
Reduce kWhr per Associate – the target now being to reduce our kWhr per associate by 40% over the revised period 2017-18 to 2025-2026.
Performance against target We are on target to achieve this, we are above the overall end target at present, steps being taken during the coming year should result in further energy saving, particularly related to lighting changes to LED and we remain on course to meet the target. Transport and Travel The return of international travel after the pandemic has immediately lead to a surge in travel as the Lockton associates catch up with their clients after the enforced hiatus. This travel being an increase in all areas, trains, taxis, associate’s car travel and most obviously in air travel. Our stated target was to reduce our travel co2e per associate by 10% from the amount in 2017 18 by the end of 2022-23 financial year. The leap in air travel and catching up on the prior two years of lost client and business meetings shows very clearly in this years statistics. Where we were ahead of our target and on course to retain that that tracking through to the end of 2022 23 that direction has been knocked sideways by the return to business.
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