Lockton Environment Report 2023
This year has seen the leap in travel brings the annual kgCO2e per associate up to the highest amount it has been since we started measurement at a total of back up to 1,998kg. We believe that this year is a slightly distorted figure and that has led to the decision to extend the target date for the reduction in CO2 per associate for Travel out to 2025-26, with the same target of 10% reduction per associate from the 2017-18 base year. Performance against Target Travel CO2 is therefore behind on target to meet the revised 2025-26 target of 10% Reduction vrs 2017-18 base year. We expect a lesser pattern of travel to emerge over the coming year as the excess “catch up post pandemic” works out of the system.
Secondary Target Lockton has made a substantial investment in video meeting facilities. We are still looking at a target of 1/3 of current internal face to face meetings to be moved to Video meetings by 2028, this will contribute towards the reduction in travel CO2. The investment has changed the profile of our VC capabilities and at this time an effective measurement assessment method is being developed to allow us to report on this transition in future years environment reports.
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