Lockton Environment Report 2023
CO2 Reduction and targets Absolute reductions and performance reductions The reworking of our environmental programme within our ESG framework has impacted our target setting and performance measurement. As such we have continued to monitor and review our CO2 using our previously stated targets and extending those targets on for a further three years from a 2022/23 end date to a 2025-6 end date. Electricity Our previous target was: o To reduce our scope 2 (consumption) and scope 3 (Transmission and distribution) emissions by 20% by the end of the 2023 financial year, when measured against a base year of 2017-18. o To reduce the kWh consumed per associate by 15% over the same period, 2018 -2023. These targets have now been revised and extended o To reduce our scope 2 (consumption) and scope 3 (Transmission and distribution) emissions by 99.8% by the end of the 2026 financial year, when measured against a base year of 2017 18. o To reduce the kWh consumed per associate by 25% over the revised period, 2018 -2023. Performance against Revised Targets Revised Taarget is Scope 2 Reduction in CO2 - 99.8% reduction in Co2 from electrical consumption (generation and transmission and distribution) per associate by end of Fin Year 2026 versus 2017-18 base year. Currently at 34.5kg/head – Target is 27.75 kg/head by 2026 – we are on target. This will save a further 21.36 tCo2e by 2026 if we achieve the target.
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