Lockton Catering Menu 2020

Hindu In general, Hindus do not eat beef or veal. Again, the catering team will help with non-meat or non-dairy or particular health menus. If you are aware of particular menu requirements to meet the need of those consuming, then please do let us know. We can support a wide menu. Again please give 48 hours’ notice. Vegetarian Vegetarians usually eat vegetarian cheese, eggs, butter and milk. They may eat fish. Please check with your guests. Vegan In general, vegans don't eat any animal products including butter, cheese and milk. Diabetics Diabetics have to eat meals at regular intervals. They will eat most things, but please check with them. Gluten free No cereal or grain products. It is best to ask your guest to suggest food, as it can be a very restrictive diet Lactose free No milk products. Allergies Please ask your guests if they have any allergies. All our food may contain nuts

For vegetarian and vegan options see new separate pages

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