Lockton Health and Safety Guide
Organisation There is an organisation for health and safety throughout LIGS Limited that is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this policy are put into effect. This includes a LIGS Limited health and safety management committee. Health and safety information will be communicated from the Board to staff via this committee or other mechanisms as appropriate. Communication and Consultation A health and safety facilitator will exist for each location and the employees of that location throughout Lockton in the UK. Through this facilitator/representative or their normal line management staff can raise health and safety issues to the LIGS Limited health and safety management committee, who will take matters of policy, where appropriate, to the Board. The health and safety management meeting will draft an annual health and safety plan that will establish health and safety performance targets to be met for the forthcoming year. This will be reviewed and approved by the Board. The health and safety management meeting will provide a report on the plan annually and the Board will issue a statement on health and safety as part of the LIGS Limited report in the UK. LIGS Limited are committed to continuous development and to this end the Board will ask the health and safety management meeting to advise them on health and safety performance within the LIGS Limited and to provide specialist advice on any alterations required to the policy or current practices due to changes in law or best practice. This policy will be reviewed when circumstances show that a revision is necessary and in any case annually.
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