Lockton Health and Safety Guide
Information about who is a first aider will be published in each office and on the intranet. Associates are expect to familiarise themselves with who is a first aider in their office or in their part of the office in larger locations Associates are expected to follow the instructions of first aiders First aiders are volunteers. All first aid incidents must be recorded and reported to facilities. Training Lockton trains associates who are first aiders to the EFAW or FAW standard, using St Johns Ambulance trainers in England and Northern Ireland, St Andrews First Aid in Scotland and Irish Red Cross in Ireland. Identification of a First Aider All persons undertaking the role of a First Aider shall, for the duration of the time they are fulfilling the role, identify themselves by wearing a distinctive arm band with the words First Aider clearly printed on them.
If an emergency situation arises the First Aider must wear the provided arm band.
If a first aider is also a fire warden then they should wear the Fire Warden Tabard and the First Aider Arm Band. Associates must follow the instructions of a First Aider If any Lockton associate does not follow the directions of the First Aider, in the event they are members of staff of Lockton, they may be subject to formal disciplinary procedures.
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