Lockton Environment Report 2023
Scope 2 Emissions Electricity Consumed 48.44 tCO2e (27.78% lower than 2022, 90% lower than base year 2017)
Over the 12 month period from May 2022 through to the end of April 2023 our overall electrical consumption, from the various suppliers either direct or through our landlords resulted in 48.44 tCO2e being generated, this was 27.78 % lower than previous years, our analysis revealed. During the same period our absolute total kWhr electrical consumption was approximately 13.5% higher as we increased our floor space in Newcastle due to a relocation and we took an additional 40,000 sq.ft of space in London. Whilst these two figures may initially appear contradictory, our review revealed that existing landlords had retained low carbon electrical supply, and our new landlords were on renewable supply which increased the overall percentage of low CO2 electrical supply.
13.5% increase in electricity consumed over the annual period, but a marginal – 1.4% reduction in electricity consumed per head.
The energy use per head, calculated in kWhr, has come down from the previous 1,232 kWhr per associate to 1,215kWhrs, a 1.4% reduction. This has come in partly from an adoption of agile working, where the amount of space per associates has dropped in absolute terms and also from the newer space being more energy efficient than our existing portfolio.
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