Lockton Environment Report 2023

Analysis Methodology For this year there has been no change from the previously adopted methodology. We are measuring and reporting our emissions based on a period that aligns with our financial year and using an external third party, Carbon Footprint, to assist. We are taking our raw data and using GHG protocol and Defra guidelines, and using the latest metrics from BEIS, to calculate our CO2e. All results then validated to ISO14064-3. Emissions totals are calculated by multiplying activity data (i.e. electricity consumption) with the appropriate emissions factor (i.e. UK electricity). Three emission scopes are set down in the GHG protocol and are detailed below: Scope 1: Direct emissions Occur from sources that are owned or controlled by Lockton. Examples: Fuel combustion, Gas burnt. Scope 2: Electricity indirect emissions GHG emissions from the generation of purchased electricity consumed by Lockton (using both location and market based approach) Scope 3: Other indirect emissions An optional reporting category for all other indirect emissions that are a consequence of our activities. These occur from sources not owned or controlled by the company. Examples: electricity transmission & distribution losses, employee business travel, waste etc.

Emissions Analysis by Scope Scope 1 Emissions 7.08 tCO2e (2.75% decrease)

The combined scope 1 emissions for the 2022-23 reporting year are 7.08 CO2e. This 2.75% reduction from 2021-22 is the final removal of directly purchased and burnt gas from our energy profile and in increase in the company owned car use. As per prior year our M&E service company (CBRE GWS) advise no significant refrigerant gas loss during the year.


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