Microsoft Word - Environment Report 2018 - Draft
Transport CO2e
Lockton’s largest environmental impact is the movement of our associates. Air, Car and Trains account for 73% of all CO2e emissions for the period May 2017 to April 2018. A total of 1,710 tonnes. Our client are from around the entire planet. The growth of Lockton, throughout the UK and around the world, has increased our transport use in absolutes terms, as we continue to meet with our clients and provide our services. Placing alimit on travel and then an overall target on reduction of our total travel to support client needs whilst we are growing business is not practical at this time. Our client service, based around our broking done differently, demonstrably gives our clients what they require. We cannot compromise on the quality of our client service. We will seek to evolve the services and will look to setting client required travel CO2e targets in the future. In the meantime we will continue the offset strategy for this CO2e. We do however undertake a number of the journeys as part of managing the operation of the Lockton business. It is these internal meetings that we will initially focus on and seek to reduce. The introduction of additional improved video conference facilities and other shared media platforms being adopted should allow some internal meetings to take place electronically and replace travel.
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