Microsoft Word - Environment Report 2018 - Draft

CO2e saving Target - Electricity

We intend to reduce the electricity scope2 and scope3 CO2e per associate by 20% by the end of the 2022-2023 financial year from the 2016 base year. This by increased operational efficiencies and by increasing the amount of renewable energy purchased or a combination of both. If we were to continue unchanged we would generate approximately 758 tonnes CO2e. Our target will reduce this CO2e by over 26 tonnes

kWh Per associate

Reduce the kWh per associate by 15% by the end of the same period is also essential, we therefore have st this target and expect to achieve it by a mix of improved operational efficiencies as more associates are accommodated within the same buildings as well as improved working methods.

Achievement of this will reduce our total electrical consumption energy by an estimated 425,000kWhr in year five, vrs taking no action, and save approximately 140 tonnes of CO2e


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