Lockton Health and Safety Manual

HSP 11  Contractor Control  Steps will be taken to ensure that contractors working on site do not  place themselves or Lockton Associates at risk.  The following will be  undertaken before any significant activity takes place:   Initial planning of the work to broadly determine the nature of  hazards which may arise (prior to appointing contractor)   Selection of an appropriate contractor who has the resources  and expertise to carry out the work safely.   Working with the contractor to ensure all significant hazards  have been identified and plans are established to ensure the  risks are suitably controlled (risk assessments).   Monitoring contractors to ensure they are following the plan  and working safely.   Reviewing the work. 

It also needs to be ensured that contractors hold adequate public  liability insurance.   

In the event of any hot work; a Hot Work permit form must be used. 

In the event any associate sees work being undertaken in a manner  they consider unsafe please contact Lockton Faciltiies as soon as  possible, with as much information as possible.  If in you opinion the unsafe practice is placing the worker or any  Lockton associates or other parties in immediate danger then  request the work be stopped and the area made safe until Lockton  Facilties have contacted the contractor and resolved the situation.


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