Lockton Health and Safety Manual
Lockton operates a LOW risk environment. This is based on our associates work being office operations, carried out in City locations where suitable emergency services exist and can reach the location within normal UK emergency services response times with work carried out during standard weekday working hours. Employee Numbers Number of Employees impact on the First Aider minimum requirement, the table below forms the basis of the Lockton provision assessment. Less than 25 At least one appointed person 25‐50 At least one first‐aider trained in EFAW More than 50 At least one first‐aider trained in FAW for every 100employed (or part thereof) No of Lockton Associates in the building Lockton Suitable appointed person Lockton Suitable EFAW Trained First Aider Lockton Suitable FAW trained First Aider
24‐50 50‐100 101‐200 201‐300 301‐400 401‐500 501‐600
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1 2 3 4 5 6
A Suitable Person is: Someone to take charge of first‐aid arrangements they do not need first‐aid training, though emergency first‐aid courses are available.
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