Lockton Environment Report 2023
• Setting objectives for reducing its environmental impact and maintaining an environmental performance improvement programme to enable them to be achieved. • Ensuring that its associates, suppliers and customers are aware of any support required by them to support the Company’s commitments and environmental objectives. • Ensuring that all electrical and electronic devices purchased must have the highest energy rating available unless there is a justifiable business case for doing otherwise. • Ensuring that all paper purchased must contains at least 90% recycled content or is from a certified sustainable source. • Facilitating the re-use and recycling of all waste materials and redundant equipment generated by the company wherever it is economically viable to do so. • Training its associates in good environmental protection practices and encouraging associate involvement in environmental improvement initiatives. • Continually monitoring the environmental impact of its business activities • This Environmental Policy is an integral part of the company’s business and must be supported by all associates as an integral part of their daily work.
Simon Coleman, Lockton Companies LLP COO, May 2021
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