Lockton Environment Report 2023

Waste We remain very conscious of the need to encourage our landlords and ourselves regarding effective waste management. The social and potential pollution impact can be reduced if the quantity of waste can be lowered and the reuse and recycling of the waste can be improved. We have set ourselves targets with these being:, 1 Getting accurate waste quantity totals from each location; 2. Reducing London Waste Quantity per associate by 10% by 2023. Performance against target Waste reduction continues to meet the target. Data Target not yet met, will continue as an operational target rather than a CO2e reduction target. Key issue for us is still getting our landlords to gather data on waste disposal on the sites we occupy. As our waste is mixed with other tenants (if we were to have a separate contract then even more CO2 would be generated by separate vehicles coming to site) we need the landlords to make effective steps to measure the waste. They are not. We will be working hard on this in the coming 12 months. London Waste and Disposal. As our landlord has started to produce statistical information on our waste management here, we have changed this year from our own measurement analysis to using theirs, as below. The 48.598 tonnes of waste represent 40.03kg per associate. This is a reduction of 43% on 2017-18


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