Lockton Environment Report 2023

Continued provision of an employee benefit to our associates in assisting their personal household CO2 offset.

This past year has been the fourth year of our voluntary employee benefit for our associates, this enables associates to join a scheme that let them offset their personal household CO2. We have continued this benefit programme and retaining our link with Carbon Footprint we have maintained our scheme whereby Lockton contributes 50% of the cost of the Carbon Offset and the associate contributes the remainder on a monthly basis. The amount of carbon to be offset is calculated by Carbon Footprint using nationally published data sources for household CO2 generated and the cost to the associate is a simple £2.50 per month. This scheme is now embedded in our employee benefits programme. Associates are then supplied with an annual certificate confirming their participation and that the CO 2 has been offset, an example is below. Over the five years that the scheme has been running 8,954 tonnes of CO2 have been offset under VCS projects.


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