Lockton Environment Report 2023

Lockton Companies LLP is a Carbon Offsetting Company Lockton is focusing on removing CO2 from what we do and this programme will gradually improve our CO2e profile. Until it succeeds, and particularly as technology advances to allow lower or zero carbon options for travel, we will continue with our chosen partner, Carbon Footprint, to select and use accredited offset schemes. To do this we need accurate verified measurement, which is covered earlier in this report, and then purchase carbon credits to offset all our emissions. The offset method remains unchanged from the prior year and have again undergone PAS 2060 assessment of our programme to recognise, accredit and reinforce our Carbon Neutral credentials. We continue to be proud to say we are a carbon neutral organisation. In future as other targets impact on our generated CO2 the carbon neutral position will be maintained with carbon offsetting reducing as our business processes are gradually decarbonised. Our offsetting is undertaken to internationally recognised standards and for this we use PAS2060.

Certified Carbon Neutral to PAS 2060

This year we have used one VCS Gold Standard Project. 400 MW Solar Power Project at Bhadla, Rajasthan, India

The project activity generates electricity using renewable solar energy. The generated electricity is exported to the regional grid system, which is under the purview of the INDIAN electricity grid of India. The project activity reduces anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases estimated to be approximately 694,471 tCO2e per year, thereon replacing 732,874 MWh/year amount

of electricity with renewable energy. The project diversifies the mix of power plants connected to the INDIAN GRID, which is mainly dominated by thermal/fossil-fuel based power plants.


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