Lockton Environment Report 2018-19


Gas  We set a single CO2 five year target last year, a 5% reduction in gas consumed and co2 generated, at  the single location using it. 

Performance against target 

CO2  The CO2e/kWh consumed has not  changed in calorific value between years  so the CO2e calculation method remains  unchanged. The CO2e saving is already  ahead of target. 

KWH  Due to improved efficiency of a  replacement boiler the overall gas  consumption has dropped. We are still  retaining the five year target at present. 

The single location using gas means that scope for changing the reduction target is limited, with the  major action of replacement of the boiler being the change that could most impact that building.  The building is listed and is in a conservation area and there are internal alteration restrictions that  mean improving the thermal efficiency is not possible.


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